Cylindrical mirror with variable curvature

Device description:

The exhibit consists of a frame and a mirror.


The resulting image depends on the mirror's curvature and the object's distance from the mirror. A characteristic feature of the mirror is its focal point, i.e. the point at which rays that run towards the mirror intersect, parallel to its optical axis, intersect.
The distance between the focus and the mirror is called the focal length. The positioning of the object in relation to the focal point of the mirror produces various effects of the resulting image. A reduced image is created in a convex mirror, therefore our reflection in it becomes slimmer - the more we stand from the mirror.
A concave mirror magnifies if the object is between the mirror and the doubled focal length. Placing an object behind the double focal length produces a zoom out effect. An additional effect that occurs in a concave mirror is the inversion of the image for the object behind the focus - notice that when you approach the concave mirror with your hand raised, you see a change in symmetry right-left. The raised hand of the image changes its position to the opposite side. The participant is to observe the image obtained in the mirror as a result of experiments and experiments.

How to perform an experiment?

Stand in front of the mirror. Raise up one hand. What you see? Watch the image change as you approach and move away from the mirror. Do the experiment by standing on both sides of the mirror.